Saturday, December 22, 2007

Estate Agent quiz: own you be on a viewing and the female you are showin started strippin and u done her?

Estate Agent quiz: own you be on a viewing and the female you are showin started strippin and u done her?
right in attendance? and afterwards gona stern to the department?

that would be my dream


Oh Mister...I do know of something a bit similar and it sounds as if it would meeting your taste.

A feminine agent be showing a babyish guy a home and he tried it on near her by exposing himself and other lurid things. Two things this creep didn't know be first, she have a black belt contained by Karate and, second, on the double he exposed himself she put her paw contained by her pocket and clicked an emergency phone cooperation to her organization who later call the local police station. Apparently this creep have be doing this for sometime. He be a Brit living without permission surrounded by Northern Cyprus. As I infer it, the female be given two choices. (a) Lay formal charges and quit it to the mercy of the Courts or (b) permit the local Police offer him a obedient kicking, remove adjectives clothing except a set of two of shorts and confiscate Passport, money, credit cards etc, and put him on the transport to mainland Turkey where on earth he be arrested again for vagrancy and against the law entry to Turkey. Wish I know how long he truly received as a detention centre sentence. All I do know his trial took more than 6 months to come to Court and the usual forsimilar offence is up to 5 years send to prison time.

So, please jump to somewhere else to carry out your fantasies and wallow in the results.
Yeah, I thought you be dreaming! Most agents are working for a commission and are not interested in doing you.

You yearning sounds close to serial rapist/murderer stuff if you ask me!

I longing I be a prospective buyer and get you it would be my pleasure to present you a kicking.

Whats up not getting any in your dreams any??
When I first saw this I thought it in actual fact happen.

I deduce you own a figment of your imagination.

you hang on to dreaming
You are hallucinating.
Dream on sicko.

what is the worst defence scenerio when you forclose on your home?


Are you really asking how the process works and at the stop what happen subsequent?

You do lose the house,your credit become denial and if the lender sell the house you still owe the difference from what your mortgage is to what they provide the house for. If you don't payoff your debt, they can put a lien against the property so that if you want to ever buy again it is record and will hold to be delighted since it is cleared and your up to date transaction can close.
Dude, when you foreclose on your house you will be evicted.

That is the worst shield scenario. Best travel case is that you take to live rent free until the eviction process go through!
What is your query? You do not foreclose on your home. Do you even read what the word "FORECLOSURE" process?

The entity who holds the certified title to the property is the one who forcloses on the one who does not pay packet him for the property.
First of adjectives, YOU don't foreclose on your home, the lender does. Second of adjectives, worst casing scenario is you are kicked out of your home. What is worse than that?
I'm not going to twist somebody`s arm you as the other posts own already done so, but they are correct.

You don't foreclose on your home...your lender does. Worst armour scenario is that you lose your home, your credit ratings is artificial, and the lender can move for a negative amount sentence against you base on the disposition of the property. If it sold for smaller amount than what you owe, later the lender will most potential budge after you for the difference.

Check out TaxSaleWealth
Worst suitcase?

You own live on the street and hold to chomp through bugs to survive.

In the state of California is possible to gain info on mortgage balance for RE property? Is so how?


You can not. That is private information. You can merely find out the amount of hte untested loan, which is associated to their property levy information.
not really

a few states make clear to the public what the inspired be a foil for on a mortgage be ... usually because any the resourceful document is on report or by the amount of import tax salaried.

after that, the amount salaried to principal can be computed or estimated, but extramural prinicpal payments are not disclosed.

So, since a foreclosure [when the amount owed is stated] you can't be sure.


Leasing or renting?
what is the difference in leasing or renting some say-so near is a difference...Christi


The difference quickly you can pick up and, 30 daytime become aware, you hold to stay til the termination..
i surmise renting is where on earth you are of late paying to live somewhere. but leasing is where your paying to live in that, but also the owner of the home pays for or fixes anything that breaks. I am not positive though.
Yes at hand is a difference. It really depends what country and state you are from (Real property acts). I guess the most adjectives difference is that near a lease it is more approaching ownership (should be capable of do what you want beside the property), possession (exclusive), and control. But depending on what deed...
i believe that a lease have to do more long possession (say 1 year) and rent is more for short permanent status.

Also i conjecture leasing have renewal option and a stronger decriminalized standing than renting.

May enjoy something to do beside the monthly pay, kinda similar to motels and hotels.
Technically renting is for short occupancy (by the light of day, week,month) and a lease is longer residence (6 mo, year, multiple years)

When you attain an apartment or house you will generally hold to sign a lease. But I would bet that you make clear to general public you are renting when in the strict sense you are leasing.
Renting is for short possession, whether it be days weeks or months.

Leasing is more long permanent status. Usually a year or longer. Either bearing you are better sour purchasing a home near a fixed rate of interest so you can build equity. Plus nearby are due advantages to owning, as opposing renting.

Get a mortgage beside a fixed rate of interest so you don' own to verbs give or take a few rates going up so you don't loose your house when payments get hold of out of mitt.
If you rent an apt it is not one purchased. If you lease a house (apts don't use this) you own an remedy at the finishing of the lease to purchase or not purchase the house.

Renting a house is not taking ownership as title would stay next to the current owner.
Rent is a short occupancy agreement to pay cheque for something. Lease is a long possession agreement to pay packet for something. With rent you can cancel the agreement contained by a short occupancy, but beside a lease you are committed for the entire term you agreed even if you don't use the item or surrounded by the luggage of a home live within it. For example if you agree to rent for 6 months and after 3 months establish not to rent any more, next to a simple identify you can return the item or move. With a 6 month lease you are committed to settle up the full 6 months even if you prefer to return the item or move surrounded by 3 months. It is usually the travel case that a lease is cheaper because the leasor know exactly how much money is coming his instrument for that specified extent of time.
Its really one and the same piece.

Lease is more a of endorsed permanent status and ussualy have lenghts of time that apply to it.
Christi, to lease or rent have nought to do next to the official strength of the rental of the home. It have zilch to do next to the buying of the home at the finishing of the only depends on the stronghold you enjoy on price and possession time of year.

A lease binds you to a length of time, whether it be 2 months or years. It stabilizes the price for that residence and nil else, giving exception to what the lease offer to attain you to stay at hand...the ole' Monty-Hall' !!

A rental is for 30days on a MTM and is upright for the 30 days at a time lone, the price and covenants that apply contained by that 30 days...this can adjectives changeover by a perceive from the LL contained by 30 days to put on a pedestal the rent, translate the covenants and also ask you to move out.

A lease prospect is to purchase the property at a time surrounded by the adjectives that you can't afford today; but apply monthly fees to the rental fee for that spell and increase funds to use as purchase money on the 'exercise date' to but the home or forfeit your selection money and rights to purchase the home on would however, know how to verbs to lease/rent for 30 days at a time or work out a clean business next to the peddler or be asked to make tracks.

Hope this help you Christi within your decree or doesn`t matter what.


What is the permissible definition of a commercial drywall company?
The liablility insurance that I hold claims that I am more of a remdeling contractor than a drywall company. But all the same we installed over 1,000,000 sq. ft. of the product second year. Most commercial contractors do instal both metal suds & drywall at indistinguishable time to ensure a rigid & durable wall system.


In Utah we beckon them Drywall Contractors. They own to enjoy a license if its Commercial or Residential. We dont see a difference. Out license for them is as follows.

S274 - Drywall Contractor. Fabrication, construction and installation of drywall, gypsum. wallboard panel and assemblies. Preparation of surfaces for suitable drawing or finishing. Installation of lightweight metal, non-bearing wall partition.

If you do the walls thats another license.

S273 - Light-weight Metal and Non-bearing Wall Partitions Contractor. Fabrication and/or installation of light-weight metal and other non-bearing wall partition.

Im sure most states are probably like. Google "Dept of Professional Licenses (enter your state)" Im sure it will make available you the legalized name for your state. Those would be our 2 official name surrounded by Utah. Light-weight Metal and Non-Bearing Wall Partitions Contractor and Drywall Contractor.

Your state might combine them, ours doesnt.

Good Luck
its not the legitimate you inevitability its the insurance companies guidlines for what is considered commercial

looking at it i would right to be heard because you install framing they are considering you a remodeling contractor. dont consern yourself beside small details its the bottom rank you should consern yourself near .

what is it costing you and what would it be if yu go commercial

i used to own a drywall contacting company and merely hung and finished. on point i would tag on a studor two to fix an issue.

you could be positive alot of money by not man commercial.
sounds similar to you obligation another liability insurance company

as at 1 million sq foot you are particularly a commercial dry wall contractor, and not a re modeler, you may not frame out ( as some do not, ) but you are particularly a commercial contractor, the later entry you want is to be mis classified for insurance purposes and afterwards the light of day a claim is file you would be denied due to wrong classification

I own come across this estate agent who would allow viewing a house one and only on particular time of a consistent sunshine!?
The house which they are trying to consent to out have get especially righteous features,but because the agents are apparently short staffed they would allow veiwing(that too no more than 4 slots available) from 10am to 11.30am on Wednesdays!

The house have still not gone even after 5 weeks,and copious interested clients close to me are not competent to prospect it.

Obviosuly they are not helping the hawker or the potential tenant..

Is in that any approach we can brazen out this,or we merely requirement to undergo up??


Well, try another agent you don't own to be beside them... Unless you are the ones selling the house...

I know some individuals who are living in the house you can shift at definite times... but not relinquish...
You could give the name the estate Atty if you know who to be precise and express EXTREME interest if you simply vision the property.

Sounds resembling they do not want to be bothered near traffic surrounded by the house.

Good luck
In my assessment, they are not greatly interested in selling it immediately. Is this the road unadulterated estate is sold surrounded by your country? Maybe you could suggest to them to hold an Open House on a weekend daylight so that more inhabitants could belief it.

We sometime enjoy clients that work different shifts and we try to accomodate them next to showings. Some require a 24 hours catch sight of previously showing.
Not to be rigorous or anything but your assuming is making an @ss of you. If a house is just mortal shown at abiding times on faultless days, its pretty much a slam dunk bet to be exact because to be precise a restriction placed by the SELLER and not the genuine estate agent. The agent wishes to show the property anytime a prospective buyer wishes to see it within establish to earn a sale COMMISSION (no mart no commission no money)

Just curious but did you take place to ask the agent why the restricted viewing time? You didn't did you? You only just assumed and automatically blamed the entire organization and the agent.

Apparently, you are short staffed on logic and adjectives sense!
Sounds close to they are a small two bit Agency or they are too languorous. No wonder they can't consent to the property if nobody can picture it. If it's alarge agent, contact their Head Office and express your vibrations. Remind them that they require citizens approaching yourself to repay their wages and idf they don't resolve the issue promptly, you will move about elsewhere and inform everybody you know that the agent is unreliable. In adornment, you will clear sure that those you recount, will also speak about others and tip off them to avoid that agency. You can also check to see if the Agent is a partaker of a professional organisation, if it is, spawn a formal complaint to the organisation and cc the complaint to the Government Agency explicitly responsible for Estate Agents and to the agent's Head Office. To be honest, I would intuitively generate the approved complaints, speak to the local broadsheet and after dance elsewhere. If they can't be reliable adequate to conduct viewings, envision the service if you hold a problem beside the property.
Is the agent hired by the owners or hire by you. Cause if he is hired by the owners to public sale the house contact the owners. But if you hired the agent find another agent and/or the contact the timetabled agent for that property.
Its distressed when an agent does not do his/her fiduciary responsibility for the Seller, or Buyer for that concern.

The house will not supply speedily and he possibly solitary trying to find out if nearby is interest in the house at adjectives. Agents do this adjectives the time to see if a fact list is really worth any energy to provide.

That may appear resembling a metallic statement but it is the truth!

I want to reprt my proprietor is a slum lord and rent to illegals?
he don,t fix anything and consent to a tenant stay here for years and know he sell drugs and won,t do anything going on for it.And he owns a radio station and is a Spanish preacher. The tenant that sell drugs vandalize another tenant vehicle on several occasion and the proprietor know give or take a few it create he make a report near H.P.D. the manager stops coming around.I don,t know if he is paying the manager more money to save hush or what?


Call the cops on the drug merchant every time you see him doing business or vandalize.

If I be you, I'D MOVE!!
The reality is that the tenant isn't responsible for the tenant man a dirt daypack. If you want to doing something more or less it, call for the cops and hold them bust the tenant if he's busted up your motor.

The reality is you wouldn't telephone the guy that sold the guy a coupé in a minute would you? No. Everyone get to live or drive what they can afford, if the guy is paying the tenant more, who care. It a free bazaar discount and empire can settle doesn`t matter what they want to.

If the innkeeper isn't fixing stuff in the building you can use a attorney to seize him to fix anything surrounded by your apartment is broken. You can procure a advocate any through permitted aid or the sickly page.
My neighbor leaves his litter can on the curb adjectives week long. The dismayed entry is, I enjoy more unsystematic of getting my problem address by the local authorities than you do...


That's the hook. Don't concentrate on them self uninvited guests. Document the deeds and report those. Get your other neighbors involved. We've done that in our neighborhood and it works. We enjoy regular community meeting beside elected official and police, so they pay cheque attention to our concerns. We own hired off-duy police to patrol the neighborhood, which have gotten us great results.

Honestly, it's probably not the illegals as much as the accomplishments that offer you a problem, anyway. (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution did an article on the neighborhood patrol a few weeks ago. Go to and poke about for "East Lake" and "Druid Hills" and "security" and the article should pop up.)

Good luck.
So be in motion ahead and report him, but I would do it anonymously. I would also move to a better environment, otherwise you are merely helping him to succeed. He would not brand any money if not a soul compensated him, right?
Your innkeeper does not enjoy the endorsed authority to enforce any law in connection with crimes or drugs. You entail to telephone call the police roughly speaking the tenant if in that is a problem. You can not expect your innkeeper to perform as Sheriff, it is not permissible or protected for them to do so.

Is a home equity mortgage matching as a second mortgage?
Are the expressions interchangable or are they two different things?


Yes, a home equity loan IS a 2nd mortgage.

Some folks however, consider a "2nd mortgage" to be a closed-end fixed rate lump sum loan. While a "splash of credit" is revolving and can be used over and over again.

But both loans are truly 2nd mortgages because they are surrounded by 2nd lien position to the 1st mortgage on title.
Just don't procure a home equity loan on a home you own no

equity contained by. <}:-})
They are equal point.

2nd mortages hold plentiful different name. Piggy fund loans, home equity stripe ect ect.

Its primarily only a loan against your first mortgage. The bank however may treat it as a "loan" and not a mortgage. Which ussualy channel when you want to chitchat to someone from your sandbank roughly it that they ahve to verbs you to a different department.

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